Cannon chip series (BN6)

From N1GPedia
Revision as of 14:28, 15 June 2022 by >Playerzero
captioncaptioncaption Cannon Series
Class: Standard
Damage: 40, 100, 180
Element: Null caption
MB Value: 6, 24, 38
Number In Folder: 5, 4, 3
Codes: ABC*, LMN*, RST*
Properties: Flashing, Flinching
Description: Cannon to attack
In Game Icon: captioncaptioncaption


Fires in a straight line.


Frame Data

  • The attack lasts for 35 frames in total.
  • The projectile moves across the first panel in 1 frame and 2 frames per panel afterwards.
Startup Active Recovery
18 - 17