Tomahawk Cross

Cross (BN6)
Revision as of 16:40, 11 February 2023 by A4average (talk | contribs)
File:TomahawkCross art.png
TomahawkCross Portrait.png TomahawkCross Emotion.png Tomahawk Cross
DescriptionChrg WoodChip: Atk x2! Status Guard:NoAbnorm
ElementElement 6 Wood.png Wood
WeaknessElement 6 Fire.png Fire
Charge shot
Damage60, 80, 100, 120, 140
Charge time (frames)120, 110, 100, 95, 90

Power from the land. Try TomahawkCross for yourself!
— Dingo

Tomahawk Cross is the second Cross linked in Falzar using the power of TomahawkMan. Not only a Wood element Cross that has the power to double the damage of Wood chips, Tomahawk Cross's charge attack is a wide-area attack that also has Sword as a secondary element.

Perhaps Tomahawk Cross's best known utility in competitive play is the Status Guard ability, which gives MegaMan immunity to all status effects (freezing and paralysis to name a few), providing much needed safety while executing own game plan. Preparation is needed, however, to defend Tomahawk Cross against some common sources of Fire damage, most notably ElementMan.

While in Tomahawk Cross:

  • MegaMan is equipped with WoodBody, which enables HP recovery while standing on a Grass Panels. Recovers 1 HP per 20f while above 10 HP, and 1 HP per 180f while below 10 HP.
  • MegaMan is weak to Fire attacks.
  • MegaMan gains Status Guard, granting immunity to Status Effects except for those caused by bugs and DestroyPulse.

Tomahawk Swing: Swings an axe in an 2x3 area ahead of MegaMan. Has Sword as a secondary element.

Attack Formula (20 × Attack level + 40)
Attack Level 1 2 3 4 5
Damage 60 80 100 120 140


  • Changing into Tomahawk Cross will cure Status Effects including those inflicted by DestroyPulse and bugs.
  • Changing into Tomahawk Cross in the first turn of the battle will not prevent confusion and blind from Color Bug in your NaviCustomizer.

Frame Data

After releasing the CS, the animation has a windup of 26f before it hits, and finishing the animation takes 46f.

Charge Speeds (f)
Charge Level 1 2 3 4 5
Charge Speed 120 110 100 95 90
Startup Active Recovery

Competitive Overview

Being able to deal double damage with certain Wood chips is an excellent offensive ability. For example, all versions of Boomers and Wood Dragon can deal over 200 damage, and a well-timed Risky Honey can prove lethal to an unsuspecting opponent.

File:TomahawkBeast art.png
TomahawkCross Portrait.png TomahawkBeast Emotion.png Tomahawk Beast
ElementElement 6 Wood.png Wood
WeaknessElement 6 Fire.png Fire
Chip charge
Damage1-2x (70, 90, 110, 130, 150)
Charge time (frames)40