Aqua Cross

Cross (BN6)
AquaCross art.png
AquaCross Portrait.png AquaCross Emotion.png Aqua Cross
DescriptionChrg WatrChip: Atk x2! Watr Chip = HP Rcvr
ElementElement 6 Aqua.png Aqua
WeaknessElement 6 Elec.png Elec
Charge shot
Damage30, 40, 50, 60, 70
Charge time (frames)60, 50, 40, 30, 20

Strength and grace. That's SpoutCross. Enjoy using it.
— Shūko Kido

Spout Cross is the first Cross linked in Falzar using the power of SpoutMan. As an Element 6 Aqua.png Aqua element Cross, Spout Cross utilizes a combination of quick Bubble Shots and devastating double damage Element 6 Aqua.png Aqua chips to wash away its opponents. Spout Cross also has additional utility in the form of being able to maintain normal movement on Ice Panels, and recovering 50 HP for every real time Element 6 Aqua.png Aqua chip used. Spout Cross has the fastest buster charge time of all Crosses, and is also one of two Crosses that have the ability to boost real time chips of an element to deal double damage by charging them. Spout Cross possesses a weakness to Elec attacks, and receiving a hit from one will deal double damage and remove Spout Cross from play.

While in Spout Cross:

  • When using a non-screen dimming Aqua chip, heal 5% Max HP, capped at 1000 Base HP for a maximum of 50 HP.
  • Non-screen dimming Element 6 Aqua.png Aqua chips can be charged to deal double damage, which takes 40 frames. This charge is twice as fast in Aqua Beast.

Bubble Shot: Travels down the row and stops on first target, creating damaging bubbles that spreads to the target and the panel behind it, detonating for Element 6 Aqua.png Aqua, Flashing and Flinching damage.

Attack Formula (10 × Attack level + 20)
Attack Level 1 2 3 4 5
Damage 30 40 50 60 70


  • It is possible to dodge Bubble Shot by moving quickly out of the damaging bubbles before they detonate for damage.
  • The Invisible + Barrier interaction causes the Charge Shot to go through the opponent and miss.

Frame Data

Bubble Shot has a 3 frame windup and spends one frame traveling each panel. Counterable on frames 1-16.

Charge Speeds (f)
Charge Level 1 2 3 4 5
Charge Speed 60 50 40 30 20
Startup Active Recovery
3 -

Competitive Overview

The quick charge time, range, and speed of Spout Cross's Bubble Shot is typically used to remove a pivotal from one's opponent, allowing the user to continue their offensive momentum.

Spout Cross can also chain attacks together while Ice Panels are in play by freezing opponents with either their Bubble Shot or an Aqua chip, leaving them vulnerable to double damage from Breaking chips.


Unfortunately, the majority of Elec chips have extremely fast frame data and can pierce Flashing, making it difficult to protect Spout Cross from taking a double damage decross hit.

The Bubbled status causes Spout Cross to take increased damage from Element 6 Elec.png Elec attacks. Elec Cross makes for a threatning counter to Spout Cross because of the quick Charge Shot and the +50 damage to Element 6 Elec.png Elec Chips.

Aqua Beast

File:AquaBeast art.png
AquaCross Portrait.png AquaBeast Emotion.png Aqua Beast
ElementElement 6 Aqua.png Aqua
WeaknessElement 6 Elec.png Elec
Chip charge
Damage5x (20, 30, 40, 50, 60)
Charge time (frames)20

Using the power of Falzar, Aqua Beast gains:

  • FlotShoe, AirShoes, and the Falzar Beast Buster allowing free movement over Hole panels and ignoring Panel effects.
  • +30 Attack to Non-screen dimming Null chips.
  • MegaMan will to attempt to line up Non-screen dimming chips with a Beast Jump.

Aqua Beast is equipped with AquaBody which is weak to Element 6 Elec.png Electric attacks.

While in Aqua Beast:

  • When using a non-screen dimming Element 6 Aqua.png Aqua chip, heal 5% Max HP, capped at 1000 Base HP for a maximum of 50 HP.
  • Non-screen dimming Element 6 Aqua.png Aqua chips can be charged to deal double damage, which is now halved to 20 frames.

Aqua Spiral generates an Element 6 Aqua.png Aqua whirlpool in a 1 Wide 2 Deep area ahead of MegaMan dealing 5 Flinching hits in quick succession. Aqua Beast is unable to move until the attack is finished.

Attack Formula (10 × Attack level + 10) x 5
Attack Level 1 2 3 4 5
Damage per hit 20 30 40 50 60
Total damage 100 150 200 250 300


  • Fastest Charge Time at 20 frames.
  • Long animation and execution time. This can be utilized to buffer and extend your AntiDmg.
  • Aqua Spiral is a known death flag in the community. Time and time again an attempted and missed Aqua Spiral rapidly leads to loss regardless of how well the player is doing beforehand. USE WITH CAUTION!![citation needed]

Frame Data

Charge time is 20f, and it has a 9 frame windup and lasts for 56 frames.

Startup Active Recovery
9 56
Number of hits 1 2 3 4 5
Frames (f) 9 20 32 44 56

Competitive Overview

Aqua Spiral can provide for a very powerful finisher attack because of the quick charging and high damage potential. When used on an enemy standing on Ice Panels the first Aqua Spiral can apply the Frozen Status.

With very precise timing, it is possible to land two consequetive Aqua Spirals on an already Frozen opponent.


Unfortunately, the majority of Elec chips have extremely fast frame data and can pierce Flashing , making it difficult to protect Spout Cross from taking a double damage decross hit.

The Bubbled status causes Spout Cross to take increased damage from Element 6 Elec.png Elec attacks.

Elec Cross makes for a threatning counter to Spout Cross because of the quick Charge Shot and the +50 damage to Element 6 Aqua.png Elec Chips.

Aqua Spiral lasts for a long time, which if it misses leaves the player vulnerable to the enemy's attacks.