Panels (BN6): Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "'''Panels''' are one of the eighteen spots on the battlefield. ==Normal Panels== File:PanelNormal.png These panels have no special effects. They can be turned into other panels through various means. ==Hole Panels== File:PanelHole.png These are permanent broken panels that are set at the start of the battle. They cannot be stolen from the enemy’s area or restored to a normal panel. ==Cracked Panels== File:PanelCracked.png When MegaMan steps off these pan...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 06:32, 12 July 2023

Panels are one of the eighteen spots on the battlefield.

Normal Panels

PanelNormal.png These panels have no special effects. They can be turned into other panels through various means.

Hole Panels

PanelHole.png These are permanent broken panels that are set at the start of the battle. They cannot be stolen from the enemy’s area or restored to a normal panel.

Cracked Panels

PanelCracked.png When MegaMan steps off these panels, they become broken panels. FloatShoes can pass over these panels without breaking them.

Broken Panels

PanelBroken.png MegaMan cannot step on these panels unless he has AirShoes. Most objects and navi chips cannot spawn over these panels. Broken panels restore to normal after a while.

Take 10 seconds (600f) to regenerate.

Grass Panels

PanelGrass.png Fire attack that go over grass panels deal double damage to the target and convert the panel back to a normal panel.

Fire attacks deal extra damage equal to the combined damage of each fire attack that touches the panel on the same frame. The extra damage from Grass panels has no element, meaning it will only deal triple damage to a Wood enemy.

Ice Panels

PanelIce.png MegaMan slides on ice panels until contact with an obstacle or end of area, unless he is equipped with FloatShoes. In addition, any player on an ice panel hit by an Aqua attacks will be Frozen, and convert the panel back to a normal panel.

You can buffer a chip during the slide, and it will come out when you come to a stop. If you change the chips you selected mid-slide, you will use the new chip.

Poison panels

PanelPoison.png Poison panels cause MegaMan’s HP to drop steadily when stood on. This effect ignores all defenses except invincibility, but is circumvented by FloatShoes.

Drains 1HP as soon as you step on the panel. While on the panel, it drains 1HP every 7 frames. Barrier/Aura-piercing, shield-piercing and invis-piercing, but doesn’t remove invis.

Holy Panels

PanelHoly.png Holy panels cause MegaMan to take 1/2 Damage from all sources when stood on.

Halves damage if something is over it. Some chips may change the panel first before the halved damage takes effect.

Volcano Panels

PanelVolcano.png Volcano panels shoot a geyser of fire every few seconds until they fade. The geyser does not deal fire damage. When hit by an Aqua attack, it’s removed.

Removed when Aqua attack passes over them. Deal null element, flinching, non-flashing 50 damage when erupting. Erupts every 140f, it takes an extra 40 frames for it to do damage and the eruption lasts for 40f.

Conveyor Panels

PanelConveyor.png Conveyor panels push MegaMan towards the direction the panel point & is Ignored by FloatShoes. There are 4 types of this panel, one for every direction. When hit by an Wood attack, it’s removed.

You can buffer a chip during the slide, and it will come out when you come to a stop. If you change the chips you selected mid-slide, you will use the new chip. They are removed when a Wood attack passes over them. Conveyor Panels last 30 seconds (1800f).

Grabbed Panels

If not blocked by an enemy or obstacle, they return to their owner 30 seconds (1800f) after being stolen. When an enemy or Object leaves the area after the 30 seconds ran out, the area will instantly return to its initial owner. Columns have their own timer and the timer can only be reset by losing all panels in that column then grabbing them again. This means that grabbing a tile in the same column that has been returned from Banish/Revenge/Judge doesn't reset the column's timer. This also applies to taking +2 area. If player 1 takes +1 area and is able to keep it after it expires and uses a second area grab to claim +2 area they will keep both +1 and +2 until +2 expires. But if the -player steals back the entire +2, then the +1 will time out immediately

Panel Changing Attacks

Changes panel before dealing damage Changes panel after dealing damage
ElementMan (all versions) Fire Burner (1-3)
DustMan (all versions) Wide Burner (1-3)
Meteor Knuckle Elec Dragon
JusticeOne Aqua Dragon
Boomerang (all versions) Wood Dragon
Corn Shot (1-3) GroundMan (all versions)
Corn Fiesta Seeds (Ice, Grass and Poison)
Tank Cannon (all versions) Gregar (Giga chip, EXE only)
Scrap Reborn (DustCross Charge Shot)
Dust Shooting (DustBeast Beast Charge)
Big Thunder (ElecBeast Beast Charge)

Buster Additions TBD

Non Damaging Panel Changes:

Panel Return


Holy Panel


Coming Road

Going Road