Dragon chip series (BN6)

Chip series (BN6)
Chip 6 Standard 123.png
Chip Icon 6 Standard 123.png HeatDrgn
DescriptionDrgn near clst enmy Hit 2rows
Full nameHeat Dragon
Library #123
ElementFire Fire
Attack power140
CodesG R T
MB40 (max 2 copies)
Chip 6 Standard 124.png
Chip Icon 6 Standard 124.png ElecDrgn
DescriptionDrgn near clst enmy Hit 2rows
Full nameElec Dragon
Library #124
ElementElec Elec
Attack power150
CodesA L V
MB40 (max 2 copies)
Chip 6 Standard 125.png
Chip Icon 6 Standard 125.png AquaDrgn
DescriptionDrgn near clst enmy Hit 2rows
Full nameAqua Dragon
Library #125
ElementAqua Aqua
Attack power120
CodesH P S
MB44 (max 2 copies)
Chip 6 Standard 126.png
Chip Icon 6 Standard 126.png WoodDrgn
DescriptionDrgn near clst enmy Hit 2rows
Full nameWood Dragon
Library #126
ElementWood Wood
Attack power130
CodesG T V
MB48 (max 2 copies)

Damage takes place before panel changes. Can spawn in your own area if the enemy is off the field.

Aqua Dragon creates ice panels but not over broken panels.

Elec Dragon only cracks panels and does not break already cracked panels.

Wood Dragon is the only Wood chip that causes flashing on hit. It also creates grass panels but not over broken panels.