Reflector chip series (BN6)

Chip series (BN6)
Chip 6 Standard 091.png
Chip Icon 6 Standard 091.png Rflectr1
DescriptionBounce an attk back at them!
Full nameReflector 1
Library #91
ElementNone None
Attack power60
CodesA C P *
MB7 (max 5 copies)
Chip 6 Standard 092.png
Chip Icon 6 Standard 092.png Rflectr2
DescriptionBounce an attk back at them!
Full nameReflector 2
Library #92
ElementNone None
Attack power120
CodesB G Y *
MB16 (max 5 copies)
Chip 6 Standard 093.png
Chip Icon 6 Standard 093.png Rflectr3
DescriptionBounce an attk back at them!
Full nameReflector 3
Library #93
ElementNone None
Attack power200
CodesE F O *
MB25 (max 4 copies)

Active for 63f. Blocks GunDelSol. Works with barriers but does not protect the barrier from damage. Does not flash or flinch. There's a glitch with the interaction between Shield defense and the Freeze status which causes Freeze to still be inflicted even when it's blocked by Shield. All damage is blocked by the shield, but Reflect effects do not trigger. This glitch only occurs with the following chips: AquaSword, BlizzardBall, LilBoiler series (water hitbox), SpoutMan series, DiveMan series, and SpoutBeast charge.