Chip Shuffle (BN6)

NaviCust part series (BN6)
DescriptionCustmScr Shuffle chp once
Full nameChip Shuffle
Colors Green
Compression codeRRABLRARLA
BugCustom Bug

Chip Shuffle adds a Shuffle button to the user's Custom Screen. When pressed, any chips that are not currently selected will be shuffled. The Shuffle button may be used once per custom screen. The Shuffle button will be temporarily replaced if the player uses DustCross.

Tag Chips that have not appeared on the Custom Screen yet will be unaffected by chip shuffle. Their position in the folder will stay the same while the other chips move around them.

Competitive Overview

Chip Shuffle is rarely seen. Its large and awkward shape aside, Falzar has Dust Cross for searching through the folder, and Gregar typically has higher priorities as far as NaviCust space. Strategies using it typically involve searching for a Giga Chip such as Chip Icon 6 Giga 005 Gregar.png BugRSwrd, or a folder with an interest in Program Advances.