Humor NaviCust part series (BN6)

NaviCust part series (BN6)
DescriptionInstall and try L Button
Full nameHumor
Colors Pink
Compression codeLLABLBABLL
BugEmotion Bug
DescriptionPress Ⓛ: Recite Poem
Full namePoem
Colors Yellow
Compression codeBABARRLLAB
BugEmotion Bug

Humor and Poet change what MegaMan says when you press the L button while on a map.

Competitive Overview

As-ran, Humor and Poet offer no competitive merit. Rather, their value comes in bugging them for Emotion Bug.

Emotion Bug occasionally changes Mega Man to the Full Synchro or Anger statuses, allowing chips with a damage value to deal double damage. The goal of an Emotion Bug strategy is to time chip usage when Mega Man is in Full Synchro or Anger to deal overwhelming damage.

The drawbacks to this strategy is that Mega Man must stay in base form or Beast Out to be able to enter Full Synchro or Anger, limiting the user's use of Crosses. In addition, the user must time their chip usage at the whims of Emotion Bug's random emotion cycling.

Because Emotion Bug users often stay in base Mega Man form, Emotion Bug has synergy with Shield, Reflect, or Anti Magic, all of which require Mega Man to be in base form to use.

The choice of using Humor or Poet depends on which shape is preferable for the user's NaviCust, as well as managing the desired level of Color Bug.