Summon Black chip series (BN6)

Chip series (BN6)
Revision as of 21:54, 25 September 2024 by Nexit (talk | contribs)
Chip 6 Standard 100.png
Chip Icon 6 Standard 100.png SumnBlk1
DescriptionSummon a Nghtmare attack!
Full nameSummon Black 1
Library #100
ElementNone None
Attack power160
CodesE I P
MB30 (max 3 copies)
Chip 6 Standard 101.png
Chip Icon 6 Standard 101.png SumnBlk2
DescriptionSummon a Nghtmare attack!
Full nameSummon Black 2
Library #101
ElementNone None
Attack power200
CodesH O V
MB40 (max 2 copies)
Chip 6 Standard 102.png
Chip Icon 6 Standard 102.png SumnBlk3
DescriptionSummon a Nghtmare attack!
Full nameSummon Black 3
Library #102
ElementNone None
Attack power260
CodesW Y Z
MB46 (max 2 copies)

Summon black page draft

- main body

The SummonBlack series is a screen-dimming / time-freezing Null element, but secondary element sword, standard chip which lets the player summon a NightMare virus to move in front of the enemy and attack that enemy with a WideSword slash.

To use the chip, the user needs a broken or permanent hole panel right in front of where they are activating it, summoning a NightMare virus on that panel that automatically moves in front of the nearest valid enemy target and attack it with a 1x3 range WideSword slash.

Valid targets are: any enemy that is in the columns ahead of the panel where you summoned the NightMare, meaning it will not target enemies that are adjacent to the panel where you summoned it and enemies behind it, targetting the next valid target if possible (which in a 1v1 PvP battle, if the opponent is not a valid target, there is no other target, so after summoning NightMare, the NightMare will leave without attacking). valid targets also includes enemies that are NOT hiding behind an object, due to the NightMare's behavior, to attack the chosen target, it first needs to move in front of the enemy.

If the user does NOT have a broken panel/hole on the panel right in front of them when the chip is activated, the chip gets used, the screen dims, but nothing happens.

- competitive overview

The summonblack series also gets used alongside panel-breaking chips (like geddon * or crackshot * chip series - expecially by using the TAG feature to draw both sequentially) or with a bugged airshoes navicust piece in the player's navicust, giving them a bug that occasionally cracks panels when moving (while still retaining the "step on broken/hole panels" ability from airshoes itself).

Due to them having high attack power, they gets also used alongside the Humor bug, occasionally giving normal megaman the full-synchro or rage status, letting your next chip hit for x2 damage, doubling the SummonBlack's attack power.

SummonBlack v2 and v3 are used and valued more than its v1 counterpart due to its power alone being enough to break lifeaura without any power up, and also for the codes they are in compared to the v1 counterpart's codes.

Due to it being secondary type sword, it will hit wind-type enemies (in PvP tenguman and tengucross) for double damage weakness.

Due to the chip being Null type, if you are unable to make cracked or broken panels, you can beast chip charge it with beastout to perform a beast attack

- counterplay

Because the NightMare HAS to be spawned on a broken panel or hole, you can play around it by avoiding cracking panels, and be ready if you see the opponent is hastily moving around the battlefield trying to activate the airshoes panel bug to make cracked panels. Also if you know your opponent has to rely on the airshoes bug to use SummonBlack, hitting them with uninstall will make them more vulnerable to remove airshoes, as now their way of creating holes will also make them lose area to move around since they can no longer step on hole panels.

Because the NightMare HAS to move in front of you to attack with it's WideSword attack, if you are behind an object obstructing it's movement (like a rockcube, fanfare, etc), it will summon, then leave without attacking due to being unable to appear in move of you. Also if the enemy megaman is standing on the hole panel you are trying to summon the NightMare too will prevent it's summon.

due to it being secondary type sword, it will trigger the anti-sword trap

due to it being a screen-dimming / time-freeze chip, the opponent can time-freeze counter it with a defensive chip (invis, anti-damage, barrier etc) to prevent the damage, this also includes summoning an object obstacle in front of you as TFC (like rockcube, fanfare, etc) to occupy the panel the NightMare would move to attack you, making it unable to and leaving without attacking.

- version differences (exe6)

all three versions of summonblack gets used (still favoring v2 and v3 versions for their higher attack power) alongside patch cards that let you create cracked or broken panels, like PlanetMan granting you B CrackShot, changing your B buster into breaking the panel ahead of you to shoot it forward, letting you use summonblack anytime without needing to move for airshoes panel bug or relying on other chips that break panels to use them.

- misc

SummonBlack 3 is the standard chip with the highest base attack power in the game with 260 power.