Bubble Star chip series (BN6)

Chip series (BN6)
Revision as of 21:16, 6 July 2024 by Entitas (talk | contribs)
Chip 6 Standard 026.png
Chip Icon 6 Standard 026.png BblStar1
DescriptionSeals an enemy in a bubble.
Full nameBubble Star 1
Library #26
ElementAqua Aqua
Attack power60
CodesB E T
MB30 (max 3 copies)
Chip 6 Standard 027.png
Chip Icon 6 Standard 027.png BblStar2
DescriptionSeals an enemy in a bubble.
Full nameBubble Star 2
Library #27
ElementAqua Aqua
Attack power80
CodesC L V
MB38 (max 3 copies)
Chip 6 Standard 028.png
Chip Icon 6 Standard 028.png BblStar3
DescriptionSeals an enemy in a bubble.
Full nameBubble Star 3
Library #28
ElementAqua Aqua
Attack power100
CodesG R S
MB46 (max 2 copies)

The Bubble Star series is a Real Time chip that fires a StarFish across the battlefield, dealing Element 6 Aqua.png Aqua damage and inflicting the Bubbled status, the only chip which can do so.

Bubble Star starts from the panel in front of the user, then it moves to the upper panel on the same column. Next, moves to the next column and travels downwards for three panels, then moves to the next column and travels upwards for three panels, until it leaves the last column.

The same Bubble Star can hit an enemy multiple times. However, being hit by Bubble Star twice will remove the Bubbled status from the first hit, causing the enemy to regain movement.

Unlike other Element 6 Aqua.png Aqua element attacks, if the enemy gets hit by Bubble Star on an Ice Panel directly in front of the user, they will be Bubbled instead of Frozen. This will still consume the Ice Panel underneath the enemy. It is possible for Bubble Star to hit an enemy in the middle of moving on Ice Panels which causes them to be Bubbled rather than Frozen. This is a fairly rare interaction that doesn't happen often.

Hitting an enemy player-controlled object (e.g. Chip Icon 6 Standard 149.png Fanfare) with damage equal to or greater than its HP will destroy the object and the Bubble Star will continue moving. Hitting a neutral object (e.g. Chip Icon 6 Standard 138.png RockCube) with damage equal to or greater than its HP will destroy the object and the Bubble Star will disappear.

Beast Jump

Using Bubble Star in Beast Out can cause for unexpected targeting behavior:

  • When the user is directly in front of the enemy, the user stays in place.
  • When the user is on the enemy's row, the user Beast Jumps one panel forward, but not into a panel occupied by an object.
  • When the user is not on the enemy's row, the user Beast Jumps to the panel connecting the user's column and the enemy's row.
  • When the user is behind the enemy, the user Beast Jumps to the panel in front of the enemy.

Frame Data

All versions of Bubble Star have a 3 frame startup. Using Bubble Star in Beast Out causes the user to spend 4 frames to Beast Jump (regardless of positioning), resulting in a 7 frame startup.

Different versions of Bubble Star move at different speeds, with Chip Icon 6 Standard 026.png BblStar1 being the slowest and Chip Icon 6 Standard 028.png BblStar3 the fastest.

Chip Icon 6 Standard 026.png BblStar1
Startup Active Recovery Total Counter Frames
3 4-122 5-33 122
8-16 17-25 61-69 70-78 114-122
start 4-7 26-34 52-60 79-87 105-113
35-42 43-51 88-96 97-104
Chip Icon 6 Standard 027.png BblStar2
Startup Active Recovery Total Counter Frames
3 4-82 5-33 82
7-11 12-17 42-47 48-52 77-82
start 4-6 18-23 36-41 53-58 71-76
24-29 30-35 59-65 66-70
Chip Icon 6 Standard 028.png BblStar3
Startup Active Recovery Total Counter Frames
3 4-62 5-33 62
6-9 10-13 32-36 37-39 58-62
start 4-5 14-18 27-31 40-44 53-57
19-22 23-26 45-49 50-52

Version Differences


Unique Interactions

  • Adding Chip Icon 6 Standard 193.png Uninstll to Bubble Star will apply the Uninstall effect as well as the Bubbled status.
  • Adding a Chip Icon 6 Standard 192.png WhiCapsl will cause it to be consumed, but it will have no effect.
  • When Bubble Star leaves the field temporarily, it loses its hitbox. Chip Icon 6 Standard 187.png ElemTrap can be used while Bubble Star is off the field, and will activate upon it entering the field again.
  • Invisible + Barrier interaction

Competitive Overview

All versions of Bubble Star see very common use in PvP. They are almost always used in codes that include them. They provide for a very powerful setting up option, and can be difficult to avoid. They are also a good option for decrossing the Fire crosses in Gregar version. The fast-moving nature of Chip Icon 6 Standard 028.png BblStar3 makes it especially difficult to dodge.

Bubble Star is the only chip capable of applying the Bubbled Status. The Bubbled status causes affected enemies to receive double damage from Element 6 Elec.png Elec element attacks such as Elec Cross's Charge Shot, Chip Icon 6 Standard 032.png DolThdr3 and Chip Icon 6 Standard 124.png ElecDrgn.

Bubble Star can also be Chip Charged by Aqua Cross to do x2 damage. This can be used with Chip Icon 6 Standard 028.png BblStar3 to break Chip Icon 6 Standard 184.png LifeAur.

(If the enemy is hit by Big Drag which pushes them back, they can be caught in Bubble Star's path multiple times. Hence, Chip Icon 6 Standard 079.png WindRack and Chip Icon 6 Standard 026.png BblStar1 is a dangerous combo that can deal lots of damage, especially when the user has area disadvantage and the enemy is in their front column. This is more difficult to do with Chip Icon 6 Standard 027.png BblStar2 and Chip Icon 6 Standard 028.png BblStar3, as they have faster travel time and are less likely to hit multiple times with a Wind Rack. ) ->

BblStars can land multiple times if followed up with chips that push the enemy into the path of the BblStars as they travel. Higher versions of BblStar require more area for this as they travel faster.

Sometimes it's advisable to wait for as long as possible before attacking again after the Bubbled status is applied. This can be used to delay the opponent being able to use their own attacks while still allowing the user a followup attack.

It's important to avoid mashing the B button after using a Bubble Star. This can cause a Buster Shot to be fired accidently, thus instantly removing the Bubbled Status and denying any potential for a followup.

Attempting to get closer to the opponent can make it easier to land Bubble Star, but it can also increase the chance of it being dodged.

Bubble Star landing multiple hits can be both a positive and a negative. It can do extra damage, which in the case of a Chip Charged Chip Icon 6 Standard 028.png BblStar3 this can add up very quickly. It can be a negative thing because a second hit will take the enemy out of the Bubbled Status thus denying any followup oppertunities. It is possible for a Bubble Star to hit 3 times which reapplies the Bubbled Status on the final hit.


Bubble Star does not hit the user's southeastern panel, which makes attempting to use it directly in front of the enemy somewhat risky.

It is vital to do deliberate movement when attempting to avoid a Bubble Star. You want to make sure you move in the direction the Bubble Star is not moving. This avoids the potential of getting hit multiple times, or being caught by a bubble in the middle of movement. Being patient and moving a single panel to avoid the bubble is often the optimal option.

Using other defense options such as the Navi Customizer Shield can allow the user to block the Bubble Star and other potential followup from the enemy.

Using a Bubble Star while in Beast Out can make it more difficult to land. This is especially true if the opponent is standing in the top and bottom rows. This is because the Beast Jump AI will attempt to line up the Bubble Star with the same row. This causes the other end of the field to be completely safe for the enemy to step into.

If the user cannot access their middle row, Bubble Star can be avoided by standing one row apart from the user.

An enemy with Status Guard (e.g. Tomahawk Cross) cannot be Bubbled.

Going into Aqua Cross can make it more predictable that the player is going to use a charged Bubble Star. This also opens the user to being decrossed by painful Element 6 Elec.png Elec attacks such as Chip Icon 6 Standard 124.png ElecDrgn.

If the enemy is Bubbled at the end of the turn, the opponent can change into a Cross or Beast Out to remove the status.

An enemy with Movement Bug can dodge Bubble Star if they move from their rightmost to their leftmost column (from the user's perspective) with good timing.